Jeremy Watkin

  • Total activity 112
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Recent activity by Jeremy Watkin Recent activity Votes
  • Tags with zero contacts

    A customer that uses mass messaging mentioned that it's awkward to have a bunch of tags listed that aren't tied to any contacts. This was originally a feature to allow customers to see certain tags...

  • Identifying members of group text thread

    It came to our attention that one could not identify who was texting in a group thread. We just published a fix so you can see the telephone number and contact name for each member of the group thr...

  • New demo video

    If you've got a few minutes to spare and want to see String in action, check out this demo video to learn more.

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to the String Customer Community. We want to hear from you.Do you have a question about your service, or are you perhaps looking for a specific feature, or trying to make our service work f...