Creating and sending mass messages is a breeze with your String account! But first, what is mass messaging?
Very simply, mass messaging is the ability to send the same message to multiple contacts at the same time. This means that if you send a message to 10 numbers, a separate conversation is initiated with each of them. Currently, the limit for the number of recipients for mass messaging is set to 500. There is the possibility that the maximum number could increase in the future. You can also batch messages if needed.
For example, if you have 1000 recipients, you could potentially batch into 2 mass messages. The best way to batch would be to upload your list of contacts, giving the first batch a unique tag and the second batch a different tag and then you can mass message based on the tag. We can help you with this!
Here are the steps to initiate a mass message:
Mass Messages - Elite Plan.
- If you haven't already activated Mass Messages in your Elite account, first go to to enable
- Click on the number you want to send from (if multiple numbers) in the left sidebar menu
- Go to left sidebar menu and click "Mass Messages"
- Click the
button on bottom right corner
- Create a draft message
- Use the
button to insert first name personalization fields
- Use the
- Click "Recipients" to add two or more contacts or a specific list
- Click Send or Save Draft
Note: You can edit your contact list from the mass text page. Start a mass message with as little as 2 numbers/contacts and add as many as you want before you send.
What do the buttons mean when sending a message?
You will see a few buttons when composing your message. Here's a quick guide:
Add your favorite emojis to your message. LOL Insert first name personalization fields.
If you want to learn more about mass messages, you might find the following articles helpful:
What counts as a mass message credit?
What's the difference between a group chat and a mass message?
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